Established in 1989, the Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball – QUIT (Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work) is an interdisciplinary research unit at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) attached to the Department of Sociology.
The QUIT is based within the University’s Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology and is a part of the Institut d’Estudis del Treball (Institute for Labour Studies). The QUIT, which has been leading research in the sociology of work in Spain over the last 30 years, has, as its fundamental aim, the development and consolidation of high-quality research in the fields of work, employment, and everyday life, focusing on the issues such as:
• the study of the social actors, in particular trade unions (the analysis of their social strategies, their social bases, and the challenges they face due to changes in production and work), human resource management strategies (with special regard to work organisation, flexibility and the changes in the labour market), implementation of labour market policy, links between policy areas, the welfare state and flexicurity arrangements;
• the relationship between time, work and everyday life (the new demands of reorganisation of time are analysed, with special reference to the needs to reduce working time);
• the crisis of employment and new perspectives on it (the strategies of the social partners towards this topic are analysed, as well as the effects of national and local policies on employment).