Within UCSC, TRAILab (Transformative Actions Interdisciplinary Laboratory) is a research laboratory founded at the beginning of 2015.
Learn more about this partnerMeet the origami’s team
Ivana Pais
Full Professor in Economic Sociology and PI of the project ORIGAMI
Milan (Italy)

Ivana Pais is the PI of the project ORIGAMI. She is Full Professor of Economic Sociology at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan (Italy), where she directs the Transformative Actions Interdisciplinary Laboratory (TRAILab). She is editor, with Elena Esposito and David Stark, of Sociologica. International Journal for Sociological Debate. She has been appointed as councilor for the National Council for Economics and Labour (CNEL) (2023-2028). Her main research interests focus on platform forms of organization and digital labour. From 2019 to 2021 she was the principal investigator of the project “SWIRL – Slash Workers and Industrial ReLations”, funded by DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. From 2021 to 2023 she has been the principal investigator of the project Welfare systems in the age of platforms: drivers of change for users, providers and policy makers (WePlat), about platforms for matching of supply and demand in care services in Italy.
Rosangela Lodigiani
Full professor in Economic Sociology
Milan (Italy)

Rosangela Lodigiani, Ph.D., is Full professor in Economic Sociology at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore where she currently teaches: “Labour Market Policies and Employment Relations”; “European Social Policies”. She is part of the Steering Board of WWELL (Work, Welfare, Enterprise, Lifelong Learning) Research Centre and of Ph.d Course in “Sociology, Organizations, Cultures” at the same University. She is the PI of the project “Observatory on territorial social dialogue” funded by Cisl-Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori and FNP-Cisl. Her research interests include labour market, lifelong learning, and active inclusion policies; social dialogue in the local welfare system innovation. She has carried out numerous research and published several essays and papers on these issues.
Francesco Bonifacio
Research fellow and PM of the project ORIGAMI
Milan (Italy)

Francesco Bonifacio (PhD) is Postdoctoral Research Fellow and PM of the Project ORIGAMI at the Department of Sociology of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, in Milan (UCSC). In 2023 he has published the book “Fare il rider: pratiche, saperi e traiettorie di una professione emergente” (Mimesis Edizioni) on the work of food-delivery couriers. His main research interests concern the digitalization of social and organizational phenomena, with a main focus on digital platforms and digital labour.
He is adjunct professor of “Sociology of consumption” at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Rome). He is a member of the Editorial Board of the journals Comunicazioni Sociali and Tecnoscienza.
Cecilia Manzo
Assistant Professor of Economic Sociology
Milan (Italy)

Cecilia Manzo is Assistant Professor of Economic Sociology at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan. Among publications, there is “The Economy of Collaboration. The New Digital Platforms of Production and Consumption" (con F. Ramella, Routledge, 2021).
Barbara Imperatori
Full Professor of Organisation Theory
Milan (Italy)

Barbara Imperatori (PhD in Business Administration Bocconi University) is Full Professor of Organisation Theory at the Department of Economic and Business Management Sciences, Faculty of Economics, of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. She teaches Human Resources Management and Organisation Theory.
Her research interests are collective creativity; strategic human resource management; e-HRM; sustainable employment relationships and green HRM; employee engagement and work meaningfulness; diversity, equity, and inclusion practices and discrimination at work. Her contributions have been published in international and national journals and books.
She is the Director of the inter-faculty Master’s programme in International Human Resource Management (Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Foreign Languages) at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, and previously she coordinated the bachelor degree Economics and Management at the Faculty of Economics in the same university.
Michele Faioli
Associate Professor
Milan (Italy)

Michele Faioli is an Associate Professor at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (abilitato/tenured as full professor). He teaches courses in the areas of labor relations and comparative labor law, including industrial relations, social security, European labor law. Faioli's comparative research mainly looks at collective bargaining impact on labor relations. As Visiting Fellow at the ILR School of Cornell University and at the Fordham Law School he carried out investigations on international labor rights, global trade and unions strategies. Michele has written widely on tech and labor law (see his book, "Mansioni e macchina intelligente", Giappichelli, 2018), undeclared work, social security, pension funds and other topics for a variety of law reviews and journals. After his appointment to the CNEL (Consiglio Nazionale dell'Economia e del Lavoro) in 2018, he has conducted investigations also on the possibile social applications of blockchain to the EU labor market and social security systems. Prof. Faioli chairs the SERI - Scuola Europea di Relazioni Industriali. He directs the EUROFOUND Italian Observatory.
Established in 1989, the Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball – QUIT (Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work) is an interdisciplinary research unit at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) attached to the Department of Sociology.
Learn more about this partnerAlejandro Godino
Research associate
Barcelona (Spain)

Alejandro Godino is Post-doctoral Researcher at the Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work (QUIT) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
He participates in EU funded projects addressing changes in employment relations and organizations. In addition, he works as correspondent in Spain for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND).
His PhD dealt with job quality in outsourced services. His research interests are primarily focused on employment relations, collective bargaining, labour market inclusion and sociology of organizations.
Recent work was published in Employee Relations: The International Journal, Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, and Edward Elgar Publishing.
Oscar Molina
Associate Professor
Barcelona (Spain)

Oscar Molina is Associate Professor appointed to the Department of Sociology and researcher at the Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work – QUIT /Institute for Labour Studies, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
He obtained his PhD in Social and Political Science at the European University Institute (EUIFlorence), in 2004. His dissertation studied the changes in collective bargaining systems of Italy and Spain since the early 1980s. After working as research assistant at the Robert Schuman Centre, he has been government of Ireland post-doctoral researcher at the Industrial Relations and Human Resources Group, University College Dublin (2005-2007) and ICREA Researcher at QUIT, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
He has taught courses on globalization and industrial relations, industrial relations in Europe and sociology of work and has published widely on comparative industrial relations, comparative political economy, labour market and migration, corporatism and varieties of capitalism.
Recent work was published by Economic and Industrial Democracy, Routledge and European Journal of Industrial Relations
The Kemmy Business School (KBS) at UL is a dynamic and innovative business school with the mission to be a business school that delivers an outstanding educational experience
Learn more about this partnerCaroline Murphy
Associate Professor of Employment Relations
Limerick (Ireland)

Dr. Caroline Murphy is Associate Professor of Employment Relations at the University of Limerick. She is Director of the Masters in Human Resource Management.
She has worked on a variety of research projects relating to precarious work, the impact of technology on work, gender equality in the labour market, and care work (formal and informal).
She is a member of the management committee of the COST action Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab, and Associate Research Fellow at the Digital Futures at Work Research Centre (DIGIT, UK).
Her work has received funding from the European Commission, Irish Human Rights and Equality Authority, Workplace Relations Commission, Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, and the CIPD.
She is a former Irish Research Council and Industrial Relations Research Trust scholar.
She has published in Economic and Industrial Democracy, Industrial Law Journal, Industrial Relations Journal, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Industrial Relations, Personnel Review, Employee Relations, Irish Journal of Management.
Tish Gibbons
Assistant professor
Limerick (Ireland)

Tish currently teaches employment relations and HRM skills on both the Higher Certificate and BA programmes. She is a member of the KBS Research Ethics Committee and recently appointed a University of Limerick Advocate. External examinerships include the University of York and the Atlantic Technological University. Current research projects focus on union organising in care platforms and the domestic work sector. Following a lengthy career as a trade union organiser and educator, her research interests continue to be industrial relations, specifically trade union recognition, labour law and labour history. She is currently a ICTU nominee to the Board of Skillnet and recently appointed to its Evaluation and Monitoring Committee. In addition, Tish is collaborating with Eurofound on the drafting of the overview report of the Agriculture Representativeness study for EU social partners.
Majka Ryan
Associate Professor
Limerick (Ireland)

Dr Majka Ryan (https://www.ul.ie/research/dr-majka-ryan) is an Associate Professor at the Department of Work and Employment Studies, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick. Her teaching and research interests are in the areas of employment and unemployment, social welfare policy, migration, organisational behaviour, and human rights and equality. She has led a number of research projects in the areas of policy implementation, organisational change, education, inequality and migration. Her current research projects investigate the impact of residence-based conditionality on survivors of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence and caseworkers that support their journey to safety, PGRs experiences of teaching, home care digital platforms and industrial relations, leaders' perspectives on stepping up, and skills gaps in the Irish SMEs.
The European Social Observatory (Observatoire social européen, OSE) is a Brussels-based not-for-profit research centre specialised in the social dimension of the European Union (EU)
Learn more about this partnerSlavina Spasova
Director of OSE
Bruxelles (Belgium)

Slavina Spasova, PhD in Political Science (Université Libre de Bruxelles, ULB), has been OSE's Director since 1st of December 2023. Previously, she was a Senior researcher (2021) and a researcher (2016) working in the area of social protection at the OSE. She is the OSE coordinator in the European Social Policy Network (ESPN).
As such her research agenda focuses on various social protection topics such as protection for the self-employed, pension reforms, work-life balance, healthcare, long-term care, sickness benefits.
Slavina is also a research associate at the Centre d’étude de la vie politique (CEVIPOL), ULB and since September 2020, she is also working as invited expert at Département des Sciences sociales et des Sciences du travail (ULB). In October 2021, Slavina also joined the editorial board of the Journal of European Social Security.
Her previous work has explored the transformation process of the Bulgarian trade unions since 1989 and their involvement in building social institutions through the mechanisms of international socialisation and ‘usages of Europe’
Ilda Durri
Bruxelles (Belgium)

Ilda Durri joined the European Social Observatory (OSE) as researcher in EU social policies . Ilda holds a PhD in labour law from the KU Leuven University, together with two masters in law from the University of Amsterdam (LL.M.) and the University of Tirana (MSc). She has held positions, such as legal consultant for the International Labour Organization, postdoctoral and doctoral researcher, EU project manager, and legal assistant. Her field of expertise includes topics such as non-standard work, platform work, the digitalization of working patterns, and the future of work, with a focus in the EU arena. She is the author of numerous publications, e.g. from Oxford Legal Handbook, Cambridge University Press and the International Labour Organization. Ilda speaks four languages, namely English, French, Italian and Albanian.
Since its founding in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative center of higher education, offering high-quality teaching and research
Learn more about this partnerMithra Hesselink
Junior researcher
Groningen (Netherlands)

Mithra Hesselink is a Junior researcher and teacher at the Sociology department at the University of Groningen. As a behavioural scientist with an interdisciplinary background, she specializes in qualitative research methods. Either as standalone projects, or to complement mixed methods approaches in understanding both latent and manifest mechanisms in group and individual behaviour. Her research has focused on response processes in EMA research, academic progress opportunities for women in the care sector, and experiences of violence and safety for care professionals in the home care sector.
Wike Been
Assistant professor in labour sociology
Groningen (Netherlands)

Wike Been is assistant professor in labour sociology at the sociology department of the University of Groningen. Her expertise lies in the precarization of working conditions and the (collective) regulation thereof at the national, sectoral and organizational level.
Law and Social Change (DCS) is a predominantly legal CNRS Mixed Research Unit which seeks to develop interdisciplinary studies.
Learn more about this partnerClémence Ledoux
Associate Professor of Political Sciences
Nantes (France)

Clémence Ledoux is Associate Professor of Political Sciences (Maîtresse de Conférences) at Nantes University (France). Her research focuses on social care, gender, public policy analysis, the transformation of welfare states and the development of welfare markets. Since 2019, thanks to her Marie Curie Fellowship at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies in Freiburg (FRIAS, Germany), she developed a research project on business organisations involved in home services in different countries and also on the Europeanisation of these actors. She is currently coordinating the COVICARE research project, which aims to understand how the Covid-19 crisis, by revealing and exacerbating tensions around home care work for the elderly, has transformed the legal and social frameworks of this work, in France, Germany and the UK.
Lorena Poblete
Specialist in labour regulations and social security regimes
Nantes (France)

Lorena Poblete holds a Master's degree in Social Anthropology, Ethnology and Ethnography, and a PhD in Sociology from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France. She is a specialist in labour regulations and social security regimes. Her most recent research focuses on the analysis of regulatory reforms on domestic work in Latin America, digital labour platforms, and the study of labour conflict resolution mechanisms of domestic workers in Argentina.
She is a senior researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) and a full professor at the Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales, Universidad Nacional de San Martin (EIDAES/UNSAM). She was visiting scholar in residence at the Université de Lille 1 and Université de Nantes (France); Frei Universität Berlin and Europa-Universität Viadrina (Germany); Princeton University (USA) and McGill University (Canada). She is co-coordinator of the Núcleo de Estudios Sociales sobre Regulaciones y Burocracias (EIDAES/UNSAM). She is member of the CRIMT (Centre de Recherche Interuniversitaire sur la Mondialisation et le Travail), and the Center for Interdisciplinary Labour Law Studies (Europa-Universität Viadrina) as 2022-2024 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow.
Nicole Teke
PhD Candidate
Nantes (France)

Nicole Teke is a PhD student at IDHE.S - Nanterre University, France, focusing on domestic work and home service digital platforms. Her work has been published in the book edited by Pascal Savoldelli in 2021: Ubérisation, et après ? (Éditions du Détour, 2021, p. 57-78), as well as in the review Salariat : "Travailler au service de la flemme ? La marchandisation du ménage par les plateformes numériques" (Salariat, 2024, n°2).
She also contributed to the book on basic income Pour un revenu de base universel, vers une société du choix (Éditions du Détour, 2017) and published an article on the same topic : "Universal basic income: Toward a more socially just Europe" (Multitudes, 2019/1 (n° 74), p. 82-90)."
Pascal Caillaud
Nantes (France)

Pascal Caillaud (PhD Nantes University, 2000) is researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) since 2001. He is a law scientist, interested in legal regulations of skills acquisition, employer’s organisations and home care assistance. Pascal Caillaud is director of the regional research center on employment (CEREQ) in Pays de la Loire since 2006, member of the editorial board of the Journal Formation emploi and Chief redactor “Social protection” section for the legal checking website « Les Surligneurs », (http://lessurligneurs.eu/).
Pascal Caillaud was responsible of the French team in the FLOWS Project (FP7) “ Impact of local welfare systems on female labour force participation and social cohesion” (2011-2014). He was member of CAPRIGHT “Resources, rights and capabilities : in search of social foundations for Europe” (FP6, 2007-2010) and has participated with Clémence Ledoux to the RECWOWE “Reconciling work and welfare european research” project (FP6, 2006 -2011) and the project financed by the French Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l’autonomie (CNSA) on Covid and home care for the elderly (COVICARE, 2021-2024).
Annie Dussuet
Sociologist and emeritus lecturer and researcher
Nantes (France)

Annie Dussuet is a sociologist and emeritus lecturer and researcher at Nantes University, at the Centre Nantais de Sociologie (CENS-UMR6025). Her research, which combines the sociology of work and the sociology of gender, focuses on the employment of women in the service sector, particularly in associations. She was scientific director of the PROFAM research project (2018-2022), funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (French National Research Agency), on changes in working conditions for elderly people in their own homes. She is involved in the following research programmes:
- Covicare « Perspectives comparées des effets du Covid sur les politiques et les professionnels du care auprès des personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie à domicile », Inserm (juin 2021- septembre 2024), scientific coordination of Clémence Ledoux, DCS ;
- Sirce « Stratégies Innovantes de Régulation du champ de la perte d’autonomie et Conditions d’Emploi des salariés », CNSA (2021-2024), scientific coordination of Laura Nirello, Clersé ;
- Integra-Num « Intégration des outils numériques et qualité du travail dans le champ de l’autonomie », Mire-Drees (2022-2025), scientific coordination of Francesca Petrella, Lest ;
- Aurelia « Régimes d’autonomie dans le soin de longue durée : instrumentation et territoires », PPR Autonomie (2022-2027), scientific coordination of Loïc Trabut (Ined) et Olivier Giraud (CNAM).
CECOP is the European confederation of industrial and service cooperatives. Our members are national federations of cooperatives, and organisations that promote cooperatives
Learn more about this partnerDiana Dovgan
Secretary general of CECOP
Brussels (Belgium)

Diana Dovgan holds a Master’s Degree in Political Sciences from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Since March 2018, she is the Secretary General of CECOP – European confederation of cooperatives in industry and services, and CICOPA –International organization of cooperatives in industry and services. Previously she was Policy Officer for 10 years for both organizations. She is member of the GECES (European Commission’s expert group on social economy), member of the Board of Social Economy Europe and of the Social Platform. From 2004 to 2008, she was a Policy Advisor for the Belgian minister in charge of Social Inclusion and Equal Opportunities.
FAOS - Employment Relations Research Centre - is a research centre at the Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen.
Learn more about this partnerTrine Larsen
Warwick (UK)

Trine Pernille Larsen is a Professor at IER, University of Warwick and a visiting scholar at FAOS/University of Copenhagen. She has specialized in comparative employment and industrial relations, European labour market and family policy as well as non-standard work, including their implications for individual’s working life. She has led different research projects on new forms of work. She is the Danish partner on the Chance and Horizon funded project: New challenges for occupational safety and health in times of the digital transformation in Europe: the role of digital labour platforms (GIG-OSH project). She is currently a board member of different international and Danish academic networks (WPLMS, VELNET and the Danish ECSA association). Previous research has among others focused on European parents and carers’ work-life balance, including the implications of national care models for individuals’ ability to continue in paid work during periods of childrearing or care-giving for an older person in Denmark, Finland, Portugal and the UK. Trine teaches in the areas of comparative industrial relations, labour market segmentation and has supervised students from bachelors, masters to PhD-levels.
Anna Ilsøe
Copenhagen (Denmark)

Anna Ilsøe is associate professor in sociology at FAOS/UCPH. She is head of a number of research projects on digitalisation of work including The Digital Economy at Work funded by the Velux Foundations core-group programme. She is also the Danish partner in the Horizon Europe project TransEuroWorks. Previous studies have focused on company-level bargaining in Danish manufacturing - including surveys and case studies of negotiations on pay and working time. Another focus has been international comparative studies, where she has compared The Danish Model and German, American and Australian labour market regulations, respectively. She has also coordinated comparative studies across all five Nordic countries funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Anna Ilsøe teaches courses within organizational sociology and the sociology of work. She supervises several PhD students writing dissertations on the future of work.
Liv Bjerre
Postdoc Researcher
Copenhagen (Denmark)

Liv Bjerre is postdoc at FAOS/UCPH. Her research focuses on immigration and integration policy, the effect of policy on international migration, and the integration of immigrants into the host society. She is one of the authors behind the Immigration Policy in Comparison (IMPIC) Database, which provides a set of sophisticated quantitative indices to measure immigration policies in a comprehensive way across time, countries, and policy fields.